
Mostrando las entradas de enero, 2019

Caring and patience in self -reliance

We are going to talk about the story self reliance , in which a character that is not seen in the story or is the author narrates the values that you need to have to be a person of self-reliance When someone is a caring person they act nicely with other people, they give support when their friends go through hard times and are kind no matter what, and when you are patient you are capable of enduring things even if they hurt or annoy you, especially when it comes to people. In the story self-reliance the writer talks a lot about being a self reliant person which means the ability to depend on yourself and not other people. I don't think that in this story the values are very visible but only if you read it and try to understand its difficult language you might identify a bit of the values in it. People who learn self reliance might learn the other values of caring and patience when you are judged by your self-reliance, or the need to think by yourself by people around you.  These ki